The most challenging thing we have done as parents thus far was to potty train Hayden. It was and epic battle of wills that brought both parties to tears on several occasions. We did everything we could think of short of cold showers. We threatened that he would not be able to start preschool. We bribed him with rewards that included candy, movies, and a Spiderman tent. One of the bribes which he earned, and then quickly reverted to his old ways, was the game Hungry Hungry Hippos. When he had an accident, especially of the solid variety, the game was off limits. When he went in the potty the game came down from the top shelf and he got to play. We also bought a small gumball machine and each time he pooped in the toilet he we gave him a penny which he could use to retrieve a gumball.
Finally one day he decided to be a big boy. I honestly think that when he saw that we had given up and that we weren't going to fight him, the joy in it was gone and he made up his mind to go in the potty. Even now, he doesn't like it when we tell him it is time to go. He prefers to slip into the bathroom unannounced and take care of business. If you try to go in he'll say "I need some privacy Dad."
A few nights ago, he was taking his turn to pray before bedtime. After including the usual "Thankful we can see like bats," he busted this out of nowhere: "Thankful after we go poop we can play Hungy Hippos and eat a gumball." Count your many blessings, name them one by one.
Nikki says that a post is not a post without some pictures, so I've included some of Hayden and Cole wearing Lisa's extensions.